The Ages Most People Are Likely to Cheat

Does it seem that everyone around you is fully capable of being up at the crack of dawn, while you’re still struggling to crawl out of bed by the fifth time you’ve hit the snooze button? While some may love getting a jump start on the day and listening to the birds chirp at sunrise, there are plenty of us who absolutely loathe that 7am punch-in time at the office. The struggle is real, my friends. You are not alone!

What if we told you that there ARE ways to help you wake up a little easier? These hacks are a super small price to pay for a stress-free workday!

  • Wake up at the same time every day... yes, even on your days off. Your body develops a natural routine with the consistency.
  • Turn off electronic devices at least an hour before you go to bed.
  • Give yourself time to do something that you enjoy in the morning.
  • Don’t keep your alarm clock next to your bed. Put it across the room so that it’s not as easy to hit the snooze button.
  • Leave your bedroom right away. Leave the temptation of that snug bed out of sight.
  • Drink water as soon as you wake up.
  • Stretch! No, we aren’t talking about complicated yoga (unless that’s your thing), but a few minutes of normal stretching will get your blood flowing and stimulates your mind.

And that’s not even all of the tricks. You can check out the full listHERE. Know WHY you want to wake up earlier. If doing so is a real motivation, you will be more likely to accomplish the goal. Remember why it’s important to you so that when you are tempted to go back to sleep in the morning, your motivations will outweigh your temptations. That early morning wakeup is not impossible! Even for the strongest of night owls.


When you’re working 40 hour weeks with someone you’re super attracted to, the whole “forbidden love” thing actually makes the crush worse. The fact that you know you shouldn’t be dating a coworker makes you want it even more. But it really is a bad idea 75% of the time, and we shouldn’t be taking our chances.

Forget all of the obvious things that could go wrong – losing your job, awkward break room moments, things going wrong. You and your partner are both probably extremely skeptical about going on dates at all, which is no way to start off a relationship. Just tiptoeing around each other in those first stages of dating will be enough to make you crazy.

And you can’t just delete Instagram, skip going out one weekend, and avoid the person like you normally would. You’re going to show up to work. Every day. In the same place this person is. And you’re both feeling incredibly awkward. It’s bad before it’s even started.

Of course, there’s the obvious terrible things I’ve already mentioned AND the terrible emotional turmoil you’ll put yourself through daily should things end poorly. Do yourself a favor and just don’t go there.


Just being honest, here – cheating can happen at any time to anyone. It’s all a matter of where the relationship is, what issues each person is having, and how drunk they were when it happened. But there is some research to show that certain age groups are more likely to cheat than others, and it’s kind of interesting.

Turns out, men usually sign up forAshley Madison– the app that helps you cheat on your spouse – when they’re 36. Women sign up around the age of 33. This supports the stat that 32% of people who admitted to cheating were in the 30 to 39 age range. The other data is as follows:

  • Ages 19-29: 28%
  • Ages 40-49: 24%

Instead of sitting by the calendar, waiting for your boo’s 35thbirthday so you can clock if they’re cheating or not, we could use these stats to determine the general ages when people get unsettled in their relationships.

Don’t start going all Sherlock Holmes on bae’s text messages, but little check ins here and there couldn’t hurt to make sure you and your partner are both feeling happy and healthy in your relationship.


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