Being Unhappy at Work Might Have Long-Term Health Effects

If you're not happy at work, it's better for you fix some things now…because it can totally make you sick.

Researchers at Ohio State University conducted a study and found that millennials that hated their jobs ended up having sleep disorders, anxiety and depression later in life.

In the meantime, there are immediate effects, too:

  • Dissatisfied Employees Don’t Sleep Well –A recent survey by Best Mattress Brandfound that people who aren’t happy with work typically aren’t too happy with their sleep either.
  • Unemployment Is A Real Killer –According to the World Happiness Report, unemployment decreases happiness and well-being by 20%.
  • Satisfied Employees (Might) Get Sick Less Often –ResearcherJan-Emmanual De Nevesays there’s a “strong correlation between job satisfaction and sick days taken throughout the year.” She adds, “But that could mean one of two things: people are lying less about being sick, or they’re actually less sick if they’re happy."
  • Longevity Effects Are Less Clear –Even though there isn’t a set link between work satisfaction and longevity, there’s definitely some connection between the two and how it relates to happiness.

But seriously…research aside…who WANTS to stay in a job that sucks?! WHAT IS THE POINT?

Source:Fast Company

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